Friday, February 27, 2009

On the Way Home

Well, from what I could see there was some exchanging of money this morning...cause my dad got discharged this morning. After packing up they departed Ann Arbor for the frozen tundra of northern michigan. Thank you all for following his progress and making the fun and entertaining comments. Please continue to check this blog, my father wants to post a message to everyone.


  1. Roads are better but still icy-dicy, hope you are safe. Mike, home will never have looked so good to you, believe it! Riggsy will just about wag his tail off and the home will appear to be a castle. Stay safe, stay warm, stay nice to your wife. Gods blessings & hugs to ya.

  2. Carneys and I have been drinking heavily, we will be over for the 2d half of the Piston's game, thankyouverymuch. Did I ever tell you about Carney's blind girlfriend? I had to hand it to her, I'll tell ya..

    welcome home, DOUCHEBAG!! YOu too, Mrs Nolan

    Love you guys

    Hales, at the Carney residence, with permission.

  3. Glad your home bud!!

  4. Glad to see the old geezer's getting up amdround
