Friday, February 27, 2009
Home Sweet Home
We pulled up at 605 W.11th at 6pm and it felt fantastic to see home..even with all the snow and ice. Thanks to Ted for the shoveling, chipping and ice melt so we could get into the house. The drive home was clear and dry till we got to kalkaska so we made good time. Lots of great cards from friends..thanks to everyone. The first IV antibiotic is infusing and all is well. More later Kathy and Mike
On the Way Home
Well, from what I could see there was some exchanging of money this morning...cause my dad got discharged this morning. After packing up they departed Ann Arbor for the frozen tundra of northern michigan. Thank you all for following his progress and making the fun and entertaining comments. Please continue to check this blog, my father wants to post a message to everyone.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
the bet
Well here is a bet I want to loose. Mike and I have a wager going as to when he will get discharged. $5 is riding on it...he says Friday and i say Sat...I hope I loose this bet. We had a uneventful day in room 4433 and hallways...NYTimes, Atlantic Monthly, bad hospital food,NPR and some Ginn Rummy. Many walks in the hallways and one to the lobby where there was a concert going on at noon. We are hopeful for a discharge in the AM ...the big question is will it be oral or IV antibiotics. The suspense is is set up for iv's at home with Munson and Priority so it is up to the doctor and Mikes arm...which is looking and feeling much better. We listened to the weather and a storm is coming so I hope we can beat the worst of it tomorrow. Keep up all your great encouragement...Mike is loving it...lots of smiles and funny comments today from Mike.....Love and hugs Kathy
making an escape plan
Mike had a good sleep last night and his arm looks much better. We are encouraged and there has been talk of a discharge tomorrow. Keep all fingers and toes crossed for good luck. thanks for all your encouraging words. Kathy and Mike
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
bump in the road
Mike and I were ready to leave this morning but had a concern about an iv site in his left arm. It had gotten red and swollen and we went back to the doctor to have it checked out and the doctor was concerned about infection. So Mike got admitted to the hospital for IV antibiotics...not sure how long. I will keep you all updated. He is not happy but smiling and joking. Kathy
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
on the mend
Mike and I relaxed yesterday and marveled that it was a week ago that he was in surgery and we had a marathon day is the waiting room. We are both so glad it is over. The home care nurse visited and everything seems to be on tract to heading north. I keep taking his pulse and it is regular and more fibbing. The weather is cold but sunny and Patrick and Heathers apartment faces south so it is great to soak up the sun. Jackson, Patrick and Heathers dog, has kept us enertained with his ball chasing. We look foreward to our own bed ,snug home and adorable Riggs. Thanks so much everyone....Kathy
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Today was the best day...the day of discharge! Mike and his heart stayed steady all night and the doctors said it was ok to go home at about noon. It took us a couple of hours to get the paper work in order and get out the door. We arrived at Patrick and Heathers with all our accumulated bags and Mike headed for the shower. It was the best shower he has ever taken. Timothy and Casey have left for Kalamazoo and we are chilling with the Uof M basketball game.
Mike says thanks for all your wonderful messages and good wishes. He will get his thoughts together and send a message to everyone in the next few days. We plan to stay in A2 for the next two days and if all is well and "regular" head back to TC on Wednesday.
Love and hugs from Kathy and as of today Mike.....he is back!
Mike says thanks for all your wonderful messages and good wishes. He will get his thoughts together and send a message to everyone in the next few days. We plan to stay in A2 for the next two days and if all is well and "regular" head back to TC on Wednesday.
Love and hugs from Kathy and as of today Mike.....he is back!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Evening Postop Day 5
Mike found his rhythm today around noon, so a timely discharge is looking promising. By tomorrow he should be surfing down the halls on his bedside table and gyrating his hips to the beeps of the call lights! He was much more energized today, and talkative. A nice mid-day visit from Dan and Elaine McMahon was quite beneficial and warmed him up for an afternoon of one-liners. Some of these included "are these guys trying to impersonate a chef!!!!" and "put on all the God*@#$ Mrs.Dash!!". He also has made vague threats about wanting to leave, including "give me my damn phone so I can call the divorce attorney!!". So, all in all he is feeling much better today.
We had an apple pie and opened presents for Timothy's birthday (and sang to him, however it was toned down as to not throw his neighbor into Afib). He is contently laid out in his bed tonight, watching the redwings game, huffing on the next best thing to a cigar.....his incentive spirometer. Thanks for the jokes and funny comments, he loves hearing keep it coming.
We had an apple pie and opened presents for Timothy's birthday (and sang to him, however it was toned down as to not throw his neighbor into Afib). He is contently laid out in his bed tonight, watching the redwings game, huffing on the next best thing to a cigar.....his incentive spirometer. Thanks for the jokes and funny comments, he loves hearing keep it coming.
Morning, Postop Day 5
Well, we showed up at the hospital this morning with his jacket and big plans for the trip outta this joint.....but Mike must have got himself too exited about breaking out. Had some more AFib this morning and they won't let him go home with the irregular rhythm. I told the doc, he's a Nolan, he never has and never will have rhythm of any kind! Anyway, they are talking going home tomorrow as long as he converts ok today. We'll keep you all updated on things...
Friday, February 20, 2009
Thanks for everyones encouraging comments. Mike is enjoying listening to Patrick, Heather, Timothy and Casey converse about a wide range of subjects. He is not as verbal as most of you are used to but he is better than yesterday. Many walks today and he is complaining about the food on a regular basis. Patrick brought him some real coffee tonight which tasted good. We are planning on an early discharge and will be able to enjoy the snowstorm at Patrick and Heathers apartment with the Wii bowling and the Wii Fit. Timothy's Birthday is tomorrow so it is good that Mike will be out for the celebration. I hope Mike can start to read all your wonderful comments starting tomorrow so keep up the good work...we need to get him laughing.
We have good news. Mike will be discharged from the hospital in the morning...Saturday. We will be staying with Patrick and Heather for a few days and if all is stable will plan on heading north on Tuesday. Timothy will be here for the weekend so we can relax, play Wii and watch the snow strom that southern Michigan is supposed to get starting tomorrow. Mikes sister Bonnie is leaving a day early because of the snow predicted...she does not want to get stuck in Chicago and sleep on the floor tomorrow! She has been a fantastic amount of help and we are very grateful that she took the time to come and be with us in this very difficult time. Mike is starting to feel more normal, walking in the hallway and telling everyone he wants to go home. We will keep you updated ...thanks to all for your comments and support. Kathy
Thursday, February 19, 2009
post op day 3 afternoon
We are very pleased to report that the chest tubes are removed and also the pacer wires. Mike is feeling less pain and it is easier to move around so that is wonderful. Lunch was slightly better than breakfast but nothing tastes very good. Mike continues to be motivated with his IS breathing machine and coughing as well as walking. ....twice so far today. The big news is that he asked for his phone so watch out...who knows what he will be up to now. We will post again later with an end of the day update. Thanks for all your messages...we continue to read them to him and we even got a few laughs!! Kathy
Mike was transferred to the step down unit last night at 10:30 pm. He kept everyone on their toes by going into atrial fib several hours before the planned transfer. However with some extra medication his heart rate was controlled and he is now in a normal rhythm. Bonnie and I arrived at the hospital early today and were able to talk to the doctor. The plan is to get the chest tube out today and that will help him move around better and have less pain. He worked with the physical and occupational therapist this morning and walked into the hallway. Food does not appeal to him right now but we will work on that later today. He has a room with a view of the Huron river and the sun is shinning today so that is good. More later....Kathy and Bonnie
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Afternoon update: Postop day 2
Good afternoon everybody, I'm pleased to report that Mike has had a day full of positives. He walked 44ft this morning, 100ft just after lunch and then another 100 just now. His coughing is greatly improving, as is his color. He is still not quite feeling up to providing words of wisdom, but I think I can speak for him when I say, walking in the halls is much more fun when wearing a cape. Well, I take that back, he just gave some wisdom "they tried to sell us Egg Foo Young"(apparently Harry may understand what this means). Well, his first real food is about to arrive so I will leave you with those words.
Morning Update, Postop Day 2
Good morning to everyone! Mike is really doing great today. He is coughing like a champ and is planning on going for a walk this morning. His pain is a little better controlled and he even made a few jokes. He is actually in quite a good mood, considering everything he's been through. I read him many of your comments that you have posted and he is very thankful to everyone for their kind words and thoughts. Hopefully I will have some Mike Nolan wisdom to share with you this afternoon.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Afternoon Update, Postop Day 1
Today has been a great day for Mike! It started this morning by getting a lot of his tubes out and then sitting up in a chair. He stayed in the chair most of the day in the company of Kathy and Bonnie. He ate a delicious gourmet clear liquid lunch and has been eating ice chips like they're going out of style. We have been sharing many of your comments and thoughts with him and will continue to do so. Tomorrow he should be feeling good enough for us to post a message from him. He is filling the ideal, compliant patient role by doing coughing and deep breathing regularly. The staff has told him this should be the most difficult day as far as the pain goes....well on his way to easy street.
Morning Update
Good Morning everyone, we have the news you all have been waiting for.....they removed his breathing tube this morning with Kathy (mom) and I at his side and he is alert and talking. He is still in a good deal of pain, as one would expect and is getting good drugs. More rest is in store for him today but there was talk of getting some of his lines out and getting him into a chair. More to come on when and if this happens, but we all can let out a big sigh and crack a smile.
Update: 12:45 AM
Great news, I went in to check on him and the nurse said he had just been awake and was moving around. He was trying to mouth something (probably "take this &@&@"@&! Tube out of my mouth") the nurse introduced herself, told him I was checking on him periodically and then she gave him some more drugs to help him get back to sleep.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Update: 7:12 PM
Well, we were finally able to go in and see Mike. He was in surgery a bit longer than expected but is now resting comfortably in his ICU room. Tonight he will remain sedated, allowing his new valve and lungs to rest. We are hoping he will be awake tomorrow and be able to give his wife a sexy wink. Kathy and Bonnie are going to stay with him for a bit while the rest of us go home and start dinner. We are all going to sleep better tonight (both cause we are super tired, and that he is in good hands tonight). Thanks again for your well wishes and I will post more information tomorrow.
Update: 2:27pm
We just recieved word that everything is going well and that he is off the heart bypass machine. They said that the surgeon should be done around 4pm, so more to come. We are going to get a bite to eat (hopefully it will make the hour and a half go by faster).
No update yet- 1:20pm
I just wanted to let those of you anxiously waiting for an update that we have not heard anything yet. We've played many a game of Euchre (of which many Mike Nolanisms were uttered- "Turn down a bower, lose for an hour" and "Its a players game!") and consumed decent amounts of caffeine. Thank you all once again for your thoughts and comments, we will have an update for you soon.
Surgery Day 1
This morning Mike, Kathy, Patrick and Bonnie awoke and made our way to the University of Michigan Cardiovascular center. It was a cold and dark winter morning in Ann Arbor and the conversation was detail oriented. Wearing his tiger shirt and flannel pajama pants, Mike entered the hospital with wife on one arm, and sister on the other and a strong, brave and cheerfull look on his face. Patrick then went back and picked up the rest of the contingent. We all got to take our turns going back to see him in the Pre-operative area......and of course he found it necessary to point out his young student nurse! After an emotional and heartfelt visit, we left him in his very capable surgeons hands slightly before 7am. The surgery is expected to take 5-7 hours, so we are biding the time until we hear something.
This is something we have all been anticipating for a long time and there is a certain amount of relief that the day has arrived, even though we have not slept much and are pretty nervous (we can't even remember how to play Presidents and A**holes). Mike is such a special person to his family and friends, and we know that you all want to keep up to date on how he is doing and whats going on. We are hoping that you will be able to use this blog to do just that. I will be updating this several times a day with how Mike is, how we are all doing, and later with some "straight-from-the-horses-mouth" Mike Nolan quotes.
Thank you all for caring so much.....The Nolans
This is something we have all been anticipating for a long time and there is a certain amount of relief that the day has arrived, even though we have not slept much and are pretty nervous (we can't even remember how to play Presidents and A**holes). Mike is such a special person to his family and friends, and we know that you all want to keep up to date on how he is doing and whats going on. We are hoping that you will be able to use this blog to do just that. I will be updating this several times a day with how Mike is, how we are all doing, and later with some "straight-from-the-horses-mouth" Mike Nolan quotes.
Thank you all for caring so much.....The Nolans
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