Thursday, February 19, 2009


Mike was transferred to the step down unit last night at 10:30 pm. He kept everyone on their toes by going into atrial fib several hours before the planned transfer. However with some extra medication his heart rate was controlled and he is now in a normal rhythm. Bonnie and I arrived at the hospital early today and were able to talk to the doctor. The plan is to get the chest tube out today and that will help him move around better and have less pain. He worked with the physical and occupational therapist this morning and walked into the hallway. Food does not appeal to him right now but we will work on that later today. He has a room with a view of the Huron river and the sun is shinning today so that is good. More later....Kathy and Bonnie


  1. good to hear from you Kathy


  2. Kathy, did you give Mike a "sexy wink" before he had those extra heart beats????

    I remember I had no appetite for several months. I remember that because that was the only time in my life when this was true (as is apparent from my physiognomy). Glad to hear things are going well. Keep that guy moving.


  3. Great to hear that things are progressing Mike. I'm sure the first week is the most challenging! Just think, it could be worse; you could be in the shop listening to all of us. Keep up the good work.

  4. Good to hear from the Boss, Kathy! Hope you are getting some rest. I know it is not easy to sleep while he is there. Good ole' A-fib, gotta rear it's stupid head. Mike, listen to your wife! She knows how things are 'spozed to be so don't get used to that view. Love to you all.

  5. this is a test blog, see if I can get the hang of it.

  6. Now that I have the hang of it, Nolan, why don't you change the name of this website to mikethedouchebag, a little more truth in advertising and less excessive self-promotion, which by the way is prohibited herein. Hope your valve is still under warranty. Kathy, keep your hands off Mike for a few days. Doctor's orders.

    Mike Haley
