Saturday, February 21, 2009

Morning, Postop Day 5

Well, we showed up at the hospital this morning with his jacket and big plans for the trip outta this joint.....but Mike must have got himself too exited about breaking out. Had some more AFib this morning and they won't let him go home with the irregular rhythm. I told the doc, he's a Nolan, he never has and never will have rhythm of any kind! Anyway, they are talking going home tomorrow as long as he converts ok today. We'll keep you all updated on things...


  1. I'm sorry you guys. You must have been so disappointed. Remind Mike that I was in for 8 days, and yesterday I ran 6 miles. He'll be out of there and moving on very soon. I hardly remember that time in the hospital, or the month at home. All our love to you. George and Sal

  2. funny comment about rhythm pat...have to get with the wii fit step program to learn rhythm...Happy birthday Timothy ...Balderdash otherwise known as Dictionary is a good game to pass the time in the hosptial


  3. Maybe glad that a few of us cancelled a planned trip for yesterday - due to the sage advise from Ms. Nolan; I'm sure a good wife wouldn't want a bunch of yahoos to complicate Mike's healing process (or perhaps it was some awareness as to who was coming).

    I wonder - tongue-in-cheek - if a 'change of heart' will do anything for Mike's viewpoint(s), politically ? I'm not expecting anything; love you Mike for your wisdom. (If that didn't get Mike laughing . . . )

    I also am in the midst of pondering some new card game for poker - in follow up to Ms. Von Lau's suggestion for same - something where heart(s) are wild in some way. (I would involve some way that 'pork' is wild, respecting the donated valve action - but it could be there's enough pork to go around anyway.)

    Bless you Mike - whether or not you think you want/need it.

    Anonymous Baron

  4. Kathy, don't let any cute nurse's walk by the door. That's what has been putting the flutter in him. Tell him they are not his type, since there not inflatable, Bombs away.

  5. Mike: rhythm issues! Once a Catholic, always a Catholic.I'm certain all of you are disappointed about having to stay on, but best to get all systems in sync. Susan & I hope you continue to progress & look forward to your first salvo. Warm regards, my friend.

  6. Hey Nolan, The "adult daycare" is out of control. You "gotta get outta that place" and
    back in the harness ASAP. Quit screwing around
    with the fluttering and get north bound. We
    miss you man. J.E.

  7. Mike just wants to stay in as long as possible enjoying that great hospital food (or possibly the nurses)! Hope you get home tomorrow. Glad Aunt Bonnie left on Friday. Snow coming down like crazy now.

  8. Hello Mike&Kathy...I just got this blog address from Carney and this is the first time I've ever been on a blog at all.My computer acumen leaves a lot to be desired so I hope you get this.Both Mary and I have been thinking about you and praying for your successful and speedy recovery (whether you want it or not).Mike,you've never been one to "flip-flop" so why the hell are you starting now? Seriously,cut that action out and come back up north where you belong....Wishing you all the BEST..heal fast..Patrick and Mary

  9. The directions on how to type in here are in Dutch on my computer...Shell Nigeria...what do you expect. Take heart Mike, there are worse places to eat in the world that that hospital...chicken/cabbbage, cabbage/chicken. Take you pick...a buffet! What day is this anyway?
    Hey Mike, first start with toe tapping then work into it. Soon everything is in time. You can do it.
    Glad to see you making such good progress. Probably from no wine or cigars that 60 days. I suspect that run will be broken soon.
    P.S. How do you beat anonymity...who knows!

  10. Hey Nolan Family-
    We just heard from the Waxler's about this blog and about Mike's ordeal. We hope he will have a quick recovery! We'll check back for new updates and we'll see you on the river soon!!
    Take care and heal FAST!
    Love, The Calvisi's

  11. Guys, you should remind Mike that if it weren't for this surgery, he'd have to shovel snow. As it is, he gets to avoid that duty for the rest of winter---which may be interminable.

  12. Nolan: It sounds like you need a writ of habeas corpus to get sprung from the hospital. You will need a court-appointed attorney of course. I will see what I can do from here.
    I was in the store the other day, and you have got real problems dude: the place has become a hotbed for right wingers. I fear they may be seeking to take control. Maybe in your absence, we can get a life sized photo of theflyfishingking and a recording of Mike lipsinking Obama's innaugural.
    You are still in my prayers, douchebag. Get your rhythm figured out and get home...

    Mike Haley
